By  Fenfang/  Tianen

Mother’s Chai Kueh

I remember that every Chinese New Year, my mother would make chai kueh (steamed vegetable dumplings) for us to eat. This chai kueh can be said to be the snack that we grew up on. It has the taste of our mother’s love. I am grateful to my mother for giving birth to me, raising me, nurturing me, teaching me, and dedicating her life to our family. She never asked for anything in return or put a price on anything; she just hoped that her children would live a safe, healthy, and happy life and that all of us siblings would be tolerant of each other and live in harmony without fighting. As children, if we can get along well and love each other, this is filial piety for our parents. 

When cultivating and propagating Tao, we can all be like brothers and sisters who get along. This makes the Divine Mother the happiest, to see her children connected by joy, harmony, and unity—that we have the same heart and mind, are happy, can realize the One World Family together, and ultimately return home together. We must keep this in mind throughout our lives when practicing Tao, so that we may live up to the love and virtue of the Divine Mother.