Stop Complaining

A person filled with reason and wisdom deeply understands that as long as they do not lose their way, they will get closer and closer to their goal; only by focusing on their objective can they make strides forward. 


Compassion and Tolerance

Cultivation requires strict self-discipline and a generous attitude towards others, especially when you are right. It is crucial to be forgiving toward others. 


The Way of Sustainable Living

To survive competition, some resort to ruthless and cruel methods to trample over others, even to the point of annihilating opponents. To show kindness to enemies is perceived as being cruel to oneself! People naïvely believe that this is the path to survival.


Know Thyself, Uphold Faith

If a person is a stranger to themselves, it is the greatest obstacle on the road to success and the fastest express train to failure. Therefore, by any means, one must become a knowledgeable person so as not to waste their life in vain.


The Sense of the Times 

Being aware of the times is not about dancing along with global trends or drifting with the tide, but rather about having a deep understanding and profound awareness of the era one lives in. 


The Power of Faith

Faith allows us to establish the power of rational knowledge and wisdom. It helps all our earthly kin return to their most primal, simple, natural, and happy state. 



Conscience guides every aspect of life, from the essentials of feeding, clothing, housing, and conducting oneself to experiencing every second and facing every circumstance that life presents. Conscience is my guide. 


Reflection on 'The Path of Survival' 

In the modern era of increasingly developed materialism, what people are lacking is not a materialistic culture but rather rich spirituality and mindfulness. People should place greater emphasis on the balance of logic and faith. 



In following one's path of faith, it is essential that it be clear and specific. As the Chinese saying goes, "A small deviation at the outset will lead to a thousand-mile error." How can one reach a destination without even a slight deviation? 


allow me to return to the hospital later

A gentleman is calm yet not arrogant, harmonious yet unique. At times, he will wear a blue checkered shirt paired with jeans and walk into an Italian cafe, where he meets with a group of foreign friends who treat him like a brother. Here, in this setting, Maitreya's Vow and a One World Family are discussed. 


The Beauty of the Process

The process of cultivation is much like planting a seed. All we need to do is wait patiently, nurture it with care and love, and not rush to see results. When spring arrives, the seed naturally sprouts two leaves, takes root, and grows until it bears tender, juicy, and plump fruits. This is a manifestation of genuine devotion. It is the beauty of the process. 


Sharing Love

Life is filled with moments where one can practice altruism, regardless of wealth or social status, and irrespective of the scale of an action. All it takes is our willingness to be selfless. 


Understanding Nature

Through close interaction with nature, we can naturally perceive and comprehend the truth that the world is a united family—nature acts effortlessly yet comprehensively. Only by displaying harmony and selflessness can we ensure an everlasting coexistence. 


The best arrangement

A shift toward positive and constructive thoughts, facing all situations—favourable or unfavourable, success or failure—with a joyful heart, can quietly transform our lives, existence, and livelihood. Our own changes can also bring happiness and joy to the people around us. 


Correct Beliefs

Survival is the continuation of life; life is the record of living; and living is the presentation of human life. 


Finally understood

A person with a broad perspective thinks every day about how to increase altruistic potential, to comfort the Divine Mother's longing for her children, and to assist Maitreya in achieving the One World Family. 


Universal Spirit

Under the spirit's guidance, we traverse the world, composing vibrant notes of life's fervour and harmonizing in a grand symphony of love and beauty. Sharing the dance of life among all beings, practicing the harmonious coexistence of humanity, nature, and all creation, dwelling together in the blissful paradise of nature's grandeur. 


Grateful to Parents

I noticed that the always clean and bright kitchen and the spotless floors were not being meticulously maintained as before. My mother's steps have slowed, her reflexes have dulled, her strength has decreased, and even her health has declined. My awareness seems frozen in the past, never confronting the harsh reality of time. 


CHOICE and Perseverance

The sun, air, water, and earth of the natural world manifest the ultimate expressions of compassion and selfless generosity. Their common characteristic is unreserved giving without any expectation of reward or return. This fully demonstrates the emergence of a selfless conscience. 



Because I went out and walked a path, the way slowly became clear. Along the way, I gained more insight: "As long as you have the determination to act, the Divine Mother will naturally lend her support." 
