By ​Yuwen Liao /Huiming, France

Unexpected Rewards

I was originally just a lover of making desserts, but in order to keep a record of my creations, I had to learn how to take pictures as well. And this is how I fell in love with photography. I used to be a person who was easily worried and troubled, but I found that when I was shooting, I was in a focused state of mind with no room for distracting thoughts. Therefore, I was often immersed in the joy of pressing the shutter button and taking pictures, in which I forgot myself and ignored the passing of time. The moment when I am integrated with my work is so peaceful and tranquil. The harmonious state of the internal and external environments becoming one makes me enjoy the deep level of immersion. Sometimes I can shoot a piece of work for a day or two without getting tired of it, using different lighting and backgrounds to show its various features. Although these are still life subjects, they are still filled with the power of life. 

The arrangement of a piece requires thinking, planning, internalization, and imbuing emotions before reaching the final presentation. Therefore, each piece has a spirit and a life. It is a form of spiritual communication and exchange with people. Therefore, every presentation is like an engagement in life and requires a lot of care, whether it is collecting information or observing other people’s works. Because of the level of care and heart put into them, every work presented is a creation as joyful as the birth of a baby. This type of happiness is priceless. It is not based on other people’s opinions or evaluations but on what is in one’s own heart. What makes me happier is that photography has instilled more confidence in me. This kind of happiness is an everlasting treasure in life. Only those who have experienced it can understand what this feels like. 

Still life


