Awakening to Oneness – 
The One Divine Consciousness

–​Herty Chen –

Here, I would like to quote a passage from Plato: “All men are by nature equal, made all of the same earth by one Workman”. My understanding of Plato’s words is that the very essence or property of every human being is equal, coming from the same source and Creator (we refer to God or Oneness). This is not only true for humans but also for all creatures and all things in this earth and universe; we share the same Creator, the One Divine Consciousness., the Ocean of Divine Consciousness.

Further, the Flower Garland Sutra scripture states: One source gives rise to the myriad things. The myriad of things return to that one source. Yet Genesis 1:27 tells us: so, God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female, he created them. All of the three quotes above have, in numerous ways, implored humanity to awaken to a single understanding: we share One Limitless Being, the being of everything, the IS-ness of everything, is the Unity of Being. The Unity of Being, seeing (sees) the Unity of Being in all people, creatures, and objects. Therefore, there is oneness of existence, that all things exist inseparably, are one - undivided in their being. We share our being with everyone and everything. This is the understanding that we shall uphold. 

In fact, if we think carefully, how could these quotes be valid in reality since each of us is an independent individual, and all things are also independent of each other? Everyone has a different look and appearance, thinking, emotion, and feeling. How can we have the same ocean of awareness, the same source of Divine consciousness? Somehow, this is nearly impossible in our experience.

Well, the so-called 「truth」 for you must conform to your experience and reality, or it may be hard to convince yourself. The so-called「truth」 shall make rational sense of beliefs grounded in any experience that belongs to a unified understanding.

Let’s take a step back and think about it. We try to revisit the whole process of our life, from the time we were born until now, what experiences can prove that we have the same source of Divine consciousness? Essentially, the very essence or property of every human being is equal and comes from the same source. For instance, everyone has five senses: eyes for sight, ears for sound, nose for smell, tongue (mouth) for taste, and skin (body) for touch. We are — all of us — equipped with the five sense organs that have similar functions. For example, when we look at the sky, the ability of our eyes shares a common recognition that the sky is blue; when we look at the clouds, we immediately see it as white. Everyone has the same recognition; when we look at the grass, we see the colour of the grass is green and when we taste the chilli on our tongue, the taste of chilli is hot and likewise, the taste of ice cream is sweet, and sour plum is sour. These experiences prove that our five senses — the ability to see, smell, hear, taste, and touch—are what we all have in common. I call it the “innate abilities of perception”, where the innate ability of being able to perceive is our common ground, the most primitive essence of our common existence. This innate perceptual ability comes from the same root source, the source of Divine consciousness, which prompts us to have a common perception with our five senses.

A. The innate ability of “being able to perceive” is common between human beings and all creatures

Let's take a look at the following evidence that proves the overlap of innate abilities of perception between human beings and all creatures:

1) The Innate Ability of Auditory Perception

All creatures, such as eagles, dogs, and dolphins, possess an auditory spectrum that overlaps with that of human beings. This indicates that the innate ability of auditory perception between humans and all creatures is overlapping. All creatures and humans come from the same root source. The following figure (1) shows the auditory spectrum of different species and humans:

Figure 1: The frequency range of speech and hearing in human and creatures (left), the frequency range of hearing in humans and other creatures (right) (Image source: [1])

Figure 2. The visible light spectrum for dogs (left) and a comparison of colours visible to humans and cats (right). (Image source: [2,3])

Figure 3. A comparison of the visible light spectrum for human (top) and bee vision (bottom).

Figure 4. The spectrum of the number of odors in different species and human (image source: [5]).