The Songs of Conscience

–​Autumn White–

In the infinite life of cosmic creations,
Our journey in time and space,
Locked in material and causal place,
Seeks to transcend the heavy-density,
The physical and emotional,
The intellectual and psychological, 
Seeks to return to the source of origin.
The ancients learned the elements,  
Fire, water, earth, wind, and more, 
Forged kinships, tribes and nations, 
With the covenant of civilizations. 
With the visions of the ancients, 
Came archives of wisdom.

The revered shining sunrays of Aten, 
The Mahabharata Epic of Lord Krishna, 
The Classics of the Way and the Virtue 
Revealed by an ancient star on a green ox, 
The Analects 
The wondering years of the sagely Confucius,  
Buddha Siddhartha’s enlightenment, 
Socrates philosophy for the love of wisdom, 
Platonic forms of higher truth, good, and beauty,  
Universities and Academy! 
The profound love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, 
How great it is of the ancient wise!
Oh! Galileo, the heliocentric bodies in the heavens, 
Newton’s apple, physics, mechanics, and mathematics,
And Einstein's Theory of Relativity and quantum reality, 
How grand it is of modernity, science, and technology!
And lastly, Maitreya – The Compassionate One, 
The vision of world harmony, 
With conscience joy and happiness,  
The rise of human consciousness, 
Conscience Awareness! 
The golden voice of the soul,  
Sings the cosmic song Of evolution, transcendence, and ascension.
Let us sing the songs of the conscience! 
The Cosmic Song of Creation!