Leave Mars Alone

–Sumathi Sankaran–

To the air that we breathe
To the water that we drink
To the plants and trees
that gives sustenances
To the animals that share the ground
Have not enough damage done?

When things happens around you
Often by irresponsible people
Or by those in power
Also by those who are not bothered
When silence does not serve its purpose,
How many did come forward?

When the forest fire flares and
becomes unstoppable,
When sea or river breaks the bank,
Submerging abode and livelihoods
When the typhoon or hurricanes rises
and hits everything it crosses
When the ice melts at the poles
Where the heat chases it’s creatures
When the haze pays a visit
and chokes the air in your lungs
How many do actually care?

When greed overrules our senses,
When only money matters,
When we strip the land of every last pieces of its plants,
When the animal’s  abode is destroyed building your  dream home.
When trees  are felled, rivers are polluted, fishes are over harvested, animal are killed for parts.
Where you create imbalance in nature How many do realise?

When the animals return
to the place they called home before,
to the place you have stolen from them,
What would you do?
Do you chase them?Do you kill them?

Now that Earth is partly destroyed
An exploration to Mars is embarked
To a place totally unknown to us.
Instead of saving the planet we call home.

When disaster strikes
When fingers are pointed at
every other direction except you,
When everyone refuse to hear
When everyone turns a blind eye
When everyone just ignores..
When you don’t voice out
Will you be hopeful?
Will you act?

How many more planets must be destroyed,
Before we learn from our mistakes,
History repeats itself
when greed knows no limit and
People in power has no justice

I beg to all of you...,
To leave Mars on its own
before it’s too late
and Mars faces the same fate.