–Sumathi Sankaran–
The sky speaks through the clouds:
In its own language, without a doubt
As the wind whispers, the sun brightens and the rain dampens
You will then wonder what has happened
The sky speaks ..... through the clouds.
Showcasing artwork.... You will be wowed.
Full of magnificent shapes and colorful hues.....
Its form driven by its mood
That changes in split seconds...
and are never the same again.
The sky speaks through the clouds
Not resting on its laurels, moving fast or slow,
Has no control over where to go:
Depending solely on the wind... and its whims,
The language spoken is loud and clear:
To understand it...you have to hear
When you seek answers in your life.
The sky sends a sign as a guide.
An image, maybe a symbol...and by it you abide
Be quick to interpret or miss it you might....
When the sky speaks through the clouds.
From time to time..
The sky speaks through the clouds
Open your mind ...open your heart
Listen to your intuition...your path will be bright
Once the choice is made
That's the path you take.