By Chunhua Huang / Malaysia 

Great Love Great Beauty

Only through the camera lens did I discover the incredible beauty of tiny ants, butterflies, birds, bees, rabbits, grasshoppers, and insects, despite their small size. I realize that this is the boundless love and grace of Mother Nature. Life may come in different sizes and forms, but every life bestowed by the Divine Mother is equal in worth. Even small creatures like tiny ants, grasshoppers, bees, and insects, as well as small birds and rabbits, are blessed with the gift of life from the Divine Mother. They are all part of our family!

“Endowed by Heaven, all lives are dignified, supreme, and equally precious.” In the course of our spiritual cultivation, let us honour the Divine Mother by practicing the utmost truth, goodness, and beauty in our lives. The return path home is guided by the true understanding and practice of the six great undertakings. Always uphold the principles that all lives are equal, that life is noble, full of dignity, and inherently good, true, and beautiful. Naturally, we will be able to express the beauty of collective happiness, harmony, and cohesiveness with others and thus honour the grace of the Divine Mother.